7 signs of a repentant abuser

When catching someone out with pornography you can and should expect these 7 signs showing how the betrayed spouse should expect. Not receiving emails for 7 months after a breakup. Total disrespect for boundaries. Total lying piece of donkey shit. They should be willing to take critical feedback. Compulsive compartmentalization and other interesting things you […]

Nikipress Statistics Go Ape

The stats on nikipress went ape last night for the first time since I created this site. I am pleased to see the server doing what it was designed to do. The site received 6000 hits in two days . Generally speaking ofcourse. I’ll place some statistics here . The most visitors were from the […]


Lauren Southern is one of Canada’s modern day heroes, and just released an important documentary. I just watched Tim Pool’s video where he explains how Lauren’s video was not working at her premiere, and then was hidden by YouTube, and how the notifications didn’t work for the video. I’m posting Lauren’s video on my channel […]