Getting active in photography. Recently I have been so frustrated. What else is news , so I used my saved photos on my hard drive to help distract me. I joined Gurushots a while ago and recently I joined National Geographic. I just uploaded photos for fun and tried to see how I fare in some contests.
I am surprised at how far I got with so little time invested in photography. Most of my equipment is make do and specials I saw for a bargain. I also recently got a scanner working again by embedding windows XP into my windows 7 operating system using virtualbox. So now I have a 19200 dpi scanner for negatives working again. I also managed to embed my flickr account into this blog. Anyway .. this is how I have fared so far in gurushots. I have managed to reach the rank of veteran.

I also entered some photos in national geographic to see if they’re worth anything and guess what ? ! I’ve received some favorites there by some guys. Just a dreamer is all I am . But it’s good to dream as long as you take some action along the way eh ?

I am still messing about with my scanner … but here’s what I managed to get out of a negative using bad lighting on the scanner and a program called rawtherapee.